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At TPC, we recognise that a stroke can have profound and lasting effects. The journey towards rebuilding motor skills and daily functions is ongoing and can be challenging. Physiotherapy is a vital part of stroke rehabilitation, empowering patients to achieve greater independence, enhance their quality of life, and improve physical abilities. Our dedicated rehab team is committed to supporting stroke survivors every step of the way.

What is Stroke?

A stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is disrupted, leading to brain cell damage. This can result in various physical and cognitive impairments, such as weakness, paralysis, balance issues, and speech difficulties. The severity and type of impairment depend on the stroke’s location and extent. These challenges can make it difficult for patients to perform daily activities independently (Better Health Channel 2022).

Our Physiotherapy Approach

At TPC, our physiotherapists are highly trained in stroke rehabilitation. We provide a structured and personalised approach to help patients improve their abilities and function.

Here’s what we do at TPC to make a difference:

Improving Mobility and Strength

Tailored Exercise Programs: Our physiotherapists design customised exercise regimens that target specific muscle groups, helping to rebuild strength and improve coordination for patients whose physical functions have been reduced due to stroke.

Gait re-education: Walking can be particularly challenging after a stroke. Our team employs various techniques to help patients relearn how to walk safely and effectively, such as treadmill training, balance and strength training, use of Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) combined with different walking retraining strategies.

Improving Balance and Coordination

Balance Exercises: Stroke survivors often struggle with balance, increasing the risk of falls. Our physiotherapists incorporate balance exercises that enhance stability and confidence.

Coordination Activities: Our physiotherapy services integrate a range of coordination exercises and activities designed to help stroke survivors regain functional abilities. Improving coordination in areas such as balance, hand-eye coordination, and fine motor skills is crucial for stroke survivors to become independent and confident in performing everyday activities such as walking, dressing, and using their hands.

Assistive Devices: Our team recommends and trains patients in the use of assistive devices like walking sticks, walkers, and orthotics, which can significantly improve mobility and safety.

Reducing Pain and Spasticity

Pain Management: Our physiotherapists employ techniques such as manual therapy, massage, and stretching to alleviate pain and discomfort that often accompany stroke recovery.

Spasticity Reduction: We include various interventions to help manage and reduce muscle spasticity, a common issue following neurological conditions like stroke. These could include stretches, Electrical Stimulation, Dry Needling, and other specialised techniques tailored to each individual’s needs.

At TPC, our rehab team plays a pivotal role in stroke recovery, offering hope, strength, and the tools necessary for patients to rebuild their lives. Our physiotherapy services are designed to improve independence and quality of life after a stroke.

If you know someone recovering from a stroke who could benefit from our expertise, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our experienced team is here to support stroke survivors on their journey to recovery.